Few quick tips to stay healthy & active

  • Drink plenty of water daily and eat calorie-free things.
  • Make sure to have a healthy breakfast early in the morning. Many diseases are caused due to not having breakfast or due to delay your breakfast.
  • Be a bit choosy when taking your dinner snacks. Take light & healthy dinner.
  • Keep eating something every two hours throughout the day, there should not be a long gap between meals.
  • Try to add as much protein to your food. Such as eggs, panner, soya and many more.
  • Reduce spicy things in food special a red chilli. You can add black pepper to your food. In fact, some articles say that green chilli helps to reduce belly fat.
  • Try to eat green vegetables as much as you can. You should include foods of these colours like carrots, oranges and green vegetables in the food.
  • If you want to lose weight, then reduce the amount of sugar & salt in the food.
  • If you want to lose weight, then you should take low-calorie food. For better digestion add vegetable soup before eating food every day, it will consume 20 per cent fewer calories and your stomach will be full.
  • You should calculate your calorie of food before your intake, only a nutritionally balanced diet should be taken.
  • Keep a record of food, a record of your daily food should be kept, like how much food you ate and Also try to drink maximum water and keep a daily record of it.
  • Eat food comfortably & chew the food properly. According to research, people who eat fast food become obese. So eat food comfortably.
  • As per Ayurveda, you should eat your dinner before sunset and definitely eat fruits and vegetables throughout the day.
  • Avoid eating junk food & cold drinks for eg like Coke, Pepsi, soda.
  • Take care of fat while preparing food. Minimize the use of oil, butter, cheddar, cream in food.
  • Avoid eating snacks at dinner time.
  • Do not take carbohydrates in dinner. Actually, if carbohydrates are eaten early in the morning, then in a way it acts as fuel for your body. But keep in mind that do not take carbohydrate things at night.
  • Do not eat anything after dinner. Be honest in this matter and try not to eat anything after dinner. Share the food: While having lunch, definitely share it with your friends. This is a good way to check calories.
  • Take full sleep at night. Taking proper sleep is good for health.

If anyone needs any Naturopathy or Ayurveda related guidance & support,  then you can connect with me on WhatsApp no +919167000444.  We also do free consulting and guidance for needy people. 


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